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Bring Back the Savings Account

When I was a kid, my father preached the magic of saving and compound interest. “Saving is earning”, he used to say. I saved part of my allowance, along with money that I earned, and opened a savings account at…

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Goodbye, Fat City

This cartoon used to hang in my office when I was in banking, and it's hanging in my office now at TABASFUNDING.  I don’t think the banks are the ones at risk this time, but other businesses are. Humor couldn't…

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Information Grab

Our cell phone bill seemed expensive.  I wondered if there was a more reasonable plan that would suit our needs, so I called ATT, our service provider.  The person was friendly, and asked for my password. I gave what I…

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2019 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting

I attended, along with 40,000 others, the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting, and encourage anyone interested in business and the economy to buy some shares and do the same. This is a photo of the shareholder “credentials” required for admission. At…

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Amazon decided not to set up one of its headquarters in Queens, New York City.  Queens didn’t lose much.  My understanding is that Amazon provided no actual commitment on the number of jobs to be created. Amazon did commit to…

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